Studi Kelayakan Perairan Situ Bagendit sebagai Sumber Belajar pada Mata Kuliah Biologi Air Tawar

Syaris Kamaludin, Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti, Wahyu Surakusumah


The scope of freshwater biology covers characteristics of both flowing-freshwater and silent freshwater in which they include zoning, quality parameter with its physical, chemical, and biological factors as well as their connection.  Bagendit’s lake reveals an aquatic ecosystem that formed naturally. This research aims to feasibility study of Bagendit’s lake as a learning resource freshwater biology course. The criterion of feasibility comprise the ease of access, security level, time efficiency, cost, media, materials, and effectiveness. The study was conducted by a direct-observation method in Bagendit Lake. The data were obtained from 3 stations including inlet, midst, and outlet in which for each station, there were three times sampling. The observed parameters comprised biological, physical, and chemical factors. The findings shows that Situ Bagendit, seen from access, cost, security, time, and its characteristics – has a diversity of planktons (phytoplankton and zooplankton) and physical and chemical factors of waters are feasible to be a learning resource freshwater biology course. Improved learning outcomes in terms of conceptual obtained with average n-gain of 0.64 in the medium category.  Therefore, it concludes that Bagendit’s Lake can be used as a learning resource to enhance students’ learning output on the course of freshwater biology.


Bagendit Lake, Freshwater Biology Course, Learning Resource

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