Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UIR pada Mata Kuliah Fisiologi Tumbuhan Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

Mellisa Mellisa


Aims of this study are to describe and analyze the educational problems of the students of Biology educational program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Riau Islamic University 2015/2016 academic year in plant physiology courses consisting of 47 students. This type of research was descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data were collected in the form of problem ability test results and interviews. Furthermore, the data collected were based on the indicators of ability to produce. Aspects of problem solving skills include, (PA) problem analysis, (PC) problem criticism, (O) orientation, (SD) solution development. The results of data analysis on the problem of solving the results of the problem, namely: (a) in question number 1 with the PA aspect of 73.95%; (b) question number 2 with aspects of PA amounting to 38.60%; (c) question number 3 with the PA aspect of 45.79%; (d) question number 4 with an orientation aspect of 23.44%; (e) question number 5 with PA aspect of 39.03%; (f) question number 6 with an elementary aspect of 29.50%. The results show that the problem solving ability was still low, especially in the solution development indicators.


Plant physiology, problem solving skill

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