Kemampuan Menerima dan Mengolah Informasi (MMI) Peserta Didik SMA Dalam Pembelajaran Biologi

Iffa Ichwani Putri


Ability of receiving and processing information is the level of knowledge and competence of learners in managing any information received in cognitive system. This study gives an overview of the ability of high school students in receiving and processing information in biology especially on excretory system material. This research was a descriptive research, with convenience sampling technique at public high school in Pekanbaru which consist of four public schools. Data was obtained from the analysis of information during the implementation of learning process. Among the four schools, High School A has the highest score of 78.07 (good) compared to other high schools. Based on the results of the research can be seen that the ability of receiving and processing information students class XI on excretory system material is in good category.


Biology Learning, Excretory System, Information Analysis, Receiving and Managing Information

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